Thursday, November 8, 2012

procrastination begets procrastination and other laws of the universe

facebook is like my fridge.
nothing really changes unless I change it.
but that doesn't stop me from checking every hour or so.

paper-writing creates fodder cravings in my brain.
that girl I barely spoke to in high school is with child again?
that guy I cannot stand but never get around to blocking is still bitter about the results of the election?
Oh, educating adults present the following.. -snore-
I have to pee again. fancy that.

boy. this is going to be a long weekend, isn't it?

it started off so well, too.
I have figured out the secret to getting respect in the clinical setting: glasses.
a week ago today, I awoke with a migraine and wore glasses out of necessity.
thankfully, I had a person who needed a minimally stimulating environment.
low noise, low lights.
and I got my first compliment! backhanded and mean as it was, still counts.
I tested my hypothesis on Tuesday morning. my findings were consistent.
this morning, I was told I did "a great job."
I nearly fainted.
later, a man on the unit whose call for help I answered gave me a chocolate turtle.
another told me I was beautiful. I missed another complimentary comment from a peer's patient's family.
[it's probably for the best.]

I HAVE THE POWER! (of prescription lenses~!)
also, the risk of infection is cut significantly.
it's science.

maybe I can write a meta-paper about my own learning? or maybe I can take a nap?
yeahhh, that one.

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