Monday, November 12, 2012

it's okay.

I didn't put on pants till 7 pm.
The Steelers were losing for a good portion of this game to the Kansas City Chiefs.
we all have our days.

let's just end this game the way I finished up the day, huh?
with a success.

yeahhh, paper written, cited, and printed.
I spent much of the day in my underwear, sitting in bed, cranking out this paper.
It was actually far less tortuous than I had made it in my mind.
but you know, when there are pictures of grumpy cat to behold, writing about teaching yogic breathing to someone with COPD is way less fun.
I probably need to thank the internet gods that I tripped a cord while moving a rug today and unplugged the wireless router. Otherwise, who knows what could have happened?

srsly, boys? let's close this up, gorrammit.

"Pittsburgh is charged with their third and final time out.
Kansas City is charged with a fourth time out."

... it's the new math.

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