Friday, November 2, 2012

oh. my. word.

Men like to perpetuate the myth that women are the crazy ones, when in reality, their territorialism and acts of emotional terrorism make them the less sane sex.

On the previously-mentioned dating website, I told someone who expressed interest in me that I like coffee. He creates a whole day around the statement (which, great. I'm extra indecisive. make as many decisions as you like) and tells me he'll email me with the details about when he can do it. okay, let's.

... two days later, I return to thirty-one unanswered messages. 31! (oh, but zero e-mails) The last of them told me to tell the guy I was with that he (the speaker) won because I trusted him [about what place on Main Street has good coffee] but he's walking away like a man with dignity and that I'm probably a whore anyway.

right. dignity.

I reply with a message that essentially says "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" his only reply is, "oh, I will follow through and email you later." I almost want to say, 'honey, you are out of your damn mind if you think that I am going anywhere near you after that outburst. I think you entirely missed the point of what I was trying to say.' But saying such things would only encourage more conversation. and that, I'd like to avoid.


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