Saturday, November 10, 2012

outlining creativity.

I started out life as a Creative Writing and Publishing major. life is a stream of consciousness, experienced in real time. my writing occurred in much the same haphazard style as life happened to me, both in the professional and for pleasure fields.

you may then imagine my frustration in writing this paper, thirty pages of planning ahead [at which I am downright dreadful] and teaching [at which I am innately quite good].

I wrote an outline for the first time in my academic career, revised said outline, and wouldn't you know it... the paper's just flowing out of me.
so I felt the need to blog about it to impede my progress, I suppose.

breeeeeathe, just breathe.
which, coincidentally, is also the topic of my paper: yogic breathing strategies taught to a client who presents with COPD exacerbation and also thinks I'm a nutcase.

May I present to you, lion's breath, source of my nutcasery.

Nothing dispels tension faster than a few lion's breath cycles. Try it! Be seated comfortably in an upright position. Inhale through the nose, let the shoulders float up toward the ears. Exhale vigorously through the mouth, making a sound akin to a lion with laryngitis [HAAAAA]. feel the vibration in the back of the throat. stick out the tongue, relax the shoulders away from the ears. Come to neutral with another inhale. repeat.

If you're looking for a good chuckle, practice in front of a mirror and watch a physical manifestation of your frustrations melt them away. Or practice lion's breath in front of a baby. Babies think this is hilarious.

If you're looking for a new scar on your face to brag about at work, perform lion's breath within striking distance of your furry pet.

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