Tuesday, December 11, 2012

yellow gummy bears and invaluable life lessons

a friend told me today that the way to distinguish losers from non is to "observe, analyze, and feel nothing."
what a goddamn manswer.

another lesson I haven't the slightest clue how to implement: learn confidence. oh, b'okay! feel nothing. ON IT.

"did you soak those gummy bears in vodka?"
"hah, no. but I bet they'd taste better if I had."
"that's unfortunate."
"well, they're the yellow ones. what do you expect?"

Exploding Gummy Bears  -- trying this. Anyone want to venture a guess as to how expensive potassium chlorate is these days?

P.S. I mourned for my Hoops and Yoyo mug again today. While emptying the dishwasher, I nudged the remnant of my Liquid Heaven Mug, seen here.

I have the talking base, which slurps and says, "MMMMMM LIQUID HEAVEN" and other raunchy-if-taken-out-of-context-subject-matter, but no context. I went to reclaim my mug, and no one had seen it. Saddest day.

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