Tuesday, December 18, 2012

what do you burn apart from witches?


Okay, so maybe "witch" is a strong word.  recipient of mild premonitions and rememberer of dreams is probably more accurate.

For example, at the end of last week, my darling daddio sent me a text message at midnight, which said he sent me a check for Joshua and I to split. Those of you who know me well may be thinking, was that the dream? No! That was real life.

For those of you unfamiliar with my life-tale thus far, my dad has prematurely advanced Parkinson's Disease, which I somewhat unfairly equivocate with his habitual cocaine abuse. So for him to send me a text message AND spare money is quite of character - and at midnight? Come ON. We immediately took bets on what the amount of money would be and if it would ever arrive. Yes, I may burn eternally... but he started it!

The dream took place last night. The check arrived to the house. I cannot remember the exact sum, but I do recall divulging to everyone in the kitchen that this check would be a big help because I had less than five dollars in my checking account at present. I deposited the check at my local branch and left. Little did I know walking out of the branch that the check had bounced.

At the end of the evening, a girl entering data came upon an error message. I had less than five dollar in my checking account. The check I deposited had bounced. My checking account has a protective feature wherein I cannot overdraft. Error. In a flash of fire and concrete confetti, my local branch blew up. I received the typical call from my bank after close to ask how my experience was, but all I heard was an electric static sound, followed by a high-pitched whine. I was promptly arrested on charges of manslaughter. At my hearing, I lamented, "THIS ALL COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF DAD HAD JUST SENT CASH!"

you know, 'cause that was the largest plot hole in my dream.

then today, the check from dad arrived. It's Western Union... so it's pretty much the same as cash, yes? no bouncing?


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