Friday, December 7, 2012

ch-ch-ch-ch check 'em out!!!

as is evidenced by past blog entries, my memory from my childhood is spotty at best. ready for another fuzzy entry? okay, good.

I cannot remember when the first time I heard of the Locks of Love Foundation was, but I expect it was around the time of second grade. I feel like my mom was either still alive and receiving some diesel chemotherapeutic treatment that would leave her without hair, or she had just recently died. But what I do recall is this, Scruff McGruff plush toys. I wanted one quite badly. I remember pestering someone for it, and while I was begging for Scruff McGruff because he would keep me safe from everything bad in this world, I noticed on the next page of the magazine [the one facing me whilst begging] was an article about Locks of Love. A girl my age had lost all of her hair from a rare genetic disorder called "alopecia areata," and how thankful she was to a fledgeling organization called Locks of Love for donating a real human hair wig to her, so she didn't feel quite so sick and alone.

The story made me cry, and at the time, I still wore my hair so long I sometimes forgot how long it was and sat on my braid. Oftentimes, I wouldn't notice till I tried to move my neck and realized that I was anchored in place by my own ass. So I had more than enough hair to spare.

The article went on to say that it takes approximately ten hair donations to create a single wig, and I am proud to say that I have donated almost enough times to make my own wig. I aim to chop off my hair every other year. As you may expect, it's almost donatin' time. One hour's time, to be exact.

Even the littlest actions can create a lot of good, so this is what I aim for. Here is my hair as of three o'clock this afternoon [disregard the lack of styling. It's being chopped for heaven's sake. also disregard the fact that I am still wearing pajamas. I'm doing laundry, and it's finals week. you're lucky I'm wearing pants.]:

The ruler should give you a pretty good indication of where my hair will be cut to (allow for additional half-inch of length for curl-shortening). And this is the look I'm hoping to achieve post-cut [which I am acutely aware is very ambitious because it's Carrie Bradshaw, and I am lazy... but at least today it should look good]:

mignonne, n'est-ce pas?

so in case you were not a 90s kid, or your life was just extra-terrible and you didn't get the pleasure of growing up with Scruff McGruff or Locks of Love, here are the websites.
SMG -- [McGruff on the main page sounds quite a bit like a less-constipated Strong Bad]

and if you don't know who Strong Bad is --


this is me, post-cut.

given the fact that it is raining outside, I'm pretty happy with the result.

P.S. did you know that Locks of Love is not the only hair donation foundation out there? I didn't! Nor was I aware that there has been some brou-ha-ha surrounding these foundations in recent years, with donations being thrown out and other scandals. Pantene Beautiful Lengths is by far the most lenient place to donate, if you are willing. Eight inches of unbleached hair, and you're good to go. if you're looking for more donation options check out this comprehensive list.

please and thank you.

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