Tuesday, January 8, 2013


like good comebacks and Halloween costume ideas, always materialize a little late for me.
But better late than never when it comes to self-betterment, yes?
So this year, I strive to finish that which I begin.

books, running plans, applications, nursing school, that bottle of vitamins I bought, sentences... you name it!
I fully understand that this is a resolution easily broken, but absolute adherence isn't the key here. It is an exercise in mindfulness to see my efforts through to completion.

in the spirit of the notion - I am off to eat brunch, take a vitamin, and begin my week 2 Couch to 5K workout... and make a few phone calls.

>.> all in good time, pretties.

"I'll bet before she recognized us, she thought, 'is that man wearing a scarf.'"

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