Wednesday, January 30, 2013

a small case of the sads.

It didn't occur to me until about two in the afternoon that our "favorite" morning personalities had not been present yesterday. Both Petore and Karenina had missed their daily word vomit sessions with the cafe staff. Which made Scar's words seem all the more foreboding: "Our club is losing its members one by one!" At the time, I dismissed it as one of those weird non sequiturs he employs as what he thinks are brilliant conversation starters with me and replied with a half-hearted, "yeah."

BUT HE WAS RIGHT. Even the guy who comes in and asks if we have any coffee left as early as three minutes after opening our gates did not show his face yesterday.

Have Karenina and Petore expired? Is the Corporation behind this? they have been adamant about increasing the average dollar amount of each transaction... how far have they gone to meet this end?!

dun dun duuuuuuhn!


Just kidding. Now to real news. Today, I turned in my Intent To Graduate Form. In order for the Registration Office to accept it, I needed my advisor's signature. I love her to death, but she is a tough woman to reach. So I staked out her office and slunk through a sea of first years to get her signature while the line of people waiting to see her snaked around the corner and down the hall.


as we typically do, we began to talk about futures. she knows an associate degree is not my end goal, by any means, and is dedicated to helping me find an appropriate challenge. as such, she often throws out ideas that are totally absurd. last time, it was all, move to the South. The fat Republicans need you! today it was, if you want a job in acute care, move to Hartford, Connecticut -- like, yesterday. actually, regardless of what you want to do, GOOOO THEREEEEE.

an oddly specific prodding, to be sure. in fairness, three of our school's graduates landed a job in acute care in hospitals in Connecticut last year within a month of passing NCLEX. and it is one of those states where Massachusetts licensure is valid and welcome without months of additional testing. and allegedly, the training programs and internship learning are phenomenal there. I laughed along and said, "well, sure, but then I'd have to live there. and worse, drive there." But nooo, this wasn't a good enough answer. She says with the money I'd make and the cost of living savings, I could pay someone to drive for me. yeah, not happening.

ha - ha.

still, she insists that this is the place for me, what with a UConn satellite school in the city and so close to what I identify as home...


thankfully, another faculty member came to my rescue with her urgent need to talk to my advisor about a meeting with a neurological oncologist. saved by the neurological oncologist. say that five times fast.

welp, as the great and philosophical Thomas said to me rather recently, "Keep your chin up. Don't settle. Good things come to those of us that have to wait."

mmmmmmmmmmm. there's a story there, too. another time, perhaps.

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