Sunday, January 20, 2013

it's that feeling...

you get when something mortifying happens that lingers with JUST you for days, but to the outside world is nearly immediately irrelevant.

the other day at work was exceptionally busy, followed by an hour and a half of shoveling a thin sheet of ice topped with powdery snow -- at the end of which time, my tailbone ate cement. the next day reached nearly sixty degrees for the high temperature, taking all of the offending snow and ice with it... and with those, my excuses for not running, excepting, of course, my bruised tailbone/ego.

but I did, however, play Just Dance 2, so yay! cardio?

and uh, go 49ers?
ughh, Superbowl XLVII, Hissy Fit v Temper Tantrum.
no amount of buffalo chicken dip can make such a thing not-insufferable.

P.S. establishments that give terrible directions on their website deserve no visitors.
P.P.S. "Plug-in vulnerable, download Adobe Plug-in update now?" I like surprises, moodle. I'm just reading my emails. don't have to download excrement.

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