Tuesday, January 15, 2013

pure. simple.


so how to tackle my not-so-unique excuses?
I has no timezz ~ false. I sat and watched Battlestar Galactica for at least an hour, then promptly took an accidental nap... time which could have been better spent on fitness.
I'm bored, man ~ how hard would it have been to fire up the elliptical during BSG time? So not. And my increased heart rate would have been a little more acceptable.
My workout buddy went back to college ~ bastard! kidding, of course. I, too, have educational commitments, around which I will need to fashion my workout plan once more. time to crack out the giant whiteboard, y'all! another blog I browsed suggested I make use of social media to keep me honest in real time. sure, tell your friends about your pipe dreams, but keep 'em posted about the progress. ehh, tweet me?
Not seein' a difference here ~ seeing is believing, but seeing me cross a finish line of a race is sort of... a pipe dream. let's be honest. speaking of honesty, I need to be a little more honest about my workouts and a little more observant. I learned over Christmas just how big a difference diet can make in my energy level, mood, and digestive patterns... I can't decide if this is me, growing up and losing my iron stomach and hummingbird metabolic rate or acquisition of knowledge-based observation skills.
Same must be true of exercise. this is what I did, this is how I felt.coming soon. bwahahaha.
PS - didn't exercise today. so sometime.

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