Saturday, September 29, 2012

I suck at incentive spirometry and other truisms.

Nursing school is the worst possible place for procrastinators, hypochondriacs, and perfectionists because if you didn't already exhibit these qualities, they will emerge. During respiratory lab, I convinced myself that I have both a restrictive and obstruction respiratory disorder. I could sustain inspiration for ten seconds (like you should with an incentive spirometer) at a pitiful 1500. Others in the group could make their cartridges climb much higher for shorter periods, but not markedly shorter periods. The lab prof praised me for pacing myself properly because anyone can move a cartridge with force. Not everyone can move a cartridge with patience. Well, when I inhaled as vigorously as I could muster, no... not everyone can move a cartridge with force. It hovered around 1750. At least I'm consistent?

Then it was time for measuring what's known as forced expiratory volume, a good indicator of how well asthma medication is working. Well, I'm deficient in this area, too.

WHY? :( I run three miles (well, like I said. What I think is three miles. I'm still not confident enough to test my theory) and cool down with a yoga sequence of my own design. I should be better at breathing! Just the fact that I'm alive should make me better at breathing. Geez. You should see me now, trying to practice my yogic breathing while running. I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I'm nuts. No matter. I'm going to get my hands on an incentive spirometer.

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