Saturday, September 8, 2012

uno, veggie lasagne, and the great date sasquatch, or the story of how my friends are wonderful and boys are terrible.

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop." Aye, aye, Lewis Carroll.

I did as I had promised the other day, I ran (ran so far awaaayyyy). When I'm crunched for time, I like to set an alarm on my phone to let me know when my time frame is nearing its end. I mistook two phone calls from Valet Man Man Man Man for the alarm. But then I realized, gosh, that seemed like a really short five minutes.

Three missed calls. Woops! VMMMM asked me what I was doing that evening. I told him that I had plans with some friends to sample an almost-famous veggie lasagne recipe, and that I couldn't flake. He was more than welcome to join us if he so wished. He readily agreed and asked if he should bring anything. I was a little impressed. Alright, VMMMM, maybe I misjudged you.


We set a rendezvous point and time. I hopped in the shower. When I emerged seven minutes later, I found that I had missed another call from Valet Man Man Man Man. He called in a panic because he's "not good at meeting more than one new person at a time," and he wasn't sure he'd like all the vegetables in the lasagne. I assured him that it was all right. Three new people at a time was the maximum. He breathed a sigh of relief and told me he'd meet me. "Call me when you get there," he says.

 I picked up my partner in crime and her main squeeze and headed to the cafe for a caramel apple spice. I called, as directed, which was directly forwarded to voice mail. I guessed that perhaps we had tried to call each other at the same time and shot him a text. Once inside, we discovered that Bestie was just about to go on her fifteen minute break, so we pounced on a large, open table and waited for her. We chatted away with Bestie until she had to return to work. At this point, two others in my inner circle joined us at the large table during their dinner breaks.

I received a text that said something along the lines of, "Hurry! The lasagne waits for no man!" at the tail end of the inner circle's dinner break. Still no Valet Man Man Man Man, after several more text alerts and phone calls sent directly to voice mail. Without even an ounce of guilt, I bade my inner circle goodbye and left in search of lasagne. Thankfully, I was distracted. But in retrospect, I sat there for at least 45 consecutive minutes. I was safe. I was surrounded by friends. But still, being stood up sucks.

The rest of the evening was lovely. English word games with competitive spirits who have a limited vocabulary in the language and Uno with colorblind schemers was the most fun. In the middle of one such game, the host disappeared on his bike for a quick jaunt to the liquor store. It's like he knows us. It is a wonderful thing to have friends who love you and laugh with you and cook you dinner to get your mind off your status.

err, but so running.

I have been running every day. Thursday was truncated. Friday, I made my tiny goal! I said I wanted to run to this little silo lookin thing without stopping. I did. Then I said out loud where I was going to run the next day and the next day and the next day without stopping. Today, I exceeded the goals for all three days!

Admittedly, this was probably only 300 or so more steps than yesterday's goal, but hey. I need small goals to feel like I'm accomplishing things because clearly, the three miles thing was out of my league. Once I can get around the entire cranberry bog, I figure I'll do that thing where I run to my favorite beach because I trust the global positioning satellites in my car more than my pathological liar of a pedometer.

Also whilst running today, I found a tortoise. I decided to name him Mo. If Mo is still around tomorrow, I am offering unto him an offering of lettuce leaves.

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