Monday, September 17, 2012

listen to your body tonight

Running the cranberry bog in its entirety was no fluke. However, if my practice of yoga has taught me anything, it is this: listen to your body.

You are a new person with each new day. Yesterday's accomplishment is not necessarily a possibility today, as I learned two days after my first full completion. It is interesting to see how big of an impact external factors make. Is it muggy? Is it hot? Am I angry? Am I sad?

huge difference in run times, breathing capabilities, everything! I mean, y'all probably knew that -- but hey. I'm learning, k?

In somewhat unrelated news, I have replaced my computer chair (which was a bum-sore and an eyesore) with a medicine ball. Strong core, strong body, right? we shall see. The only bad thing about it is I feel less associated guilt with skipping runs on days I do a lot of homework because dangit, I've been busy stabilizing my core.


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