Friday, February 8, 2013

Nemo, a lifesaver.

I woke up sick this morning. There are only so many mornings of being coughed and sneezed upon before my immune system throws up its hands and allows the organisms responsible for the common cold to take hold. Thankfully, my school closed its doors in anticipation of Blizzard 2013, the terrifying Nemo.

AMK is in a similar health-boat, suffering from a smattering of common cold symptoms. So before she came home from work, she asked if I wanted to order pizza for dinner so our sick selves didn't have to deal with preparing it. uh, hells yeah, I do. I'll stick to preparing more herbal tea and snuggling under a blanket, thanks. I ordered a pizza from Domino's online because my voice is failing me frequently today.

AMK goes to pick up the pizza, without explicit knowledge of what I ordered. The woman behind the desk only saw one takeout order and rung her up for said purchase. "$27.88, please."

Aunt Mary Kay thought, Caitlyn must have ordered chicken or dessert or something. She pays the woman for the order, and she was handed three large pizzas - a red flag. AMK asked to see the name on the order, Susan something. Suspicion confirmed! Caitlyn isn't sick enough to order $30 worth of Domino's pizza.

and let's hope it stays that way.

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