Monday, February 25, 2013


Thursday was an odd day, to be sure. But I forgot the most glaring example of how bizarre it was. Ambition is a lovely thing in nursing school. I firmly believe that you get every bit out of it as you put in, and if you ask, you shall receive. However, ambition isn't always practical with us newbs. Newbs are slow; newbs are crazy thorough. Newbs are a bag of nerves. And this particular newb is way smarter after ten am.

Ambition is pushing eight o'clock meds with three different newbs. I admire my professor for her patience and steadfastness. I, however, don't always exude the same qualities. whilst waiting on another classmate's more extensive med list, the third woman and I chatted in the hallway. But again, it was before ten am, so my creativity came to a standstill. so we just kept silent company while we waited. My eyes began to glaze over when a white blur passed through my field of vision.

I snapped out of my partially conscious state. A man in a white lab coat and bare legs turned the corner and out of sight. I consulted my classmate's eyes for confirmation that I did indeed just see what I thought I saw. Our eyes met, and the giggles began. Like the professionals we are, we ducked into the resource room to dull the sound of laughter. Another classmate was using the resource room for its expressed purpose, researching a client's condition, so we shared with her why we were laughing.

The classmate laughed and told us it must be the same man who arrived in man-leggings. He must have ditched them sometime between the then and now. He walked past the resource room just when we had gotten ourselves together. On further inspection, he was wearing an ID signifying that he is an MD... and it appeared as though he was wearing no shorts or undergarments, as white cotton is hardly a forgiving or opaque fabric choice. That was the final straw! He was a doctor!

Imagine yourself in the hospital, desperately ill, when a man wearing no pants waltzes into your room to evaluate you! I would question my sanity. I would wonder what medication was causing me to experience psychotropic side effects.

P.S. Rudy told me today that I look like one of the residents, a man-resident. why? because we're both slender redheads. I'm telling you, I will be on the lookout for this guy. If he doesn't have blue and golden brown eyes, crazy long eyelashes, a straight nose, a girly waist, and shoulder-length hair, Rudy will be on the receiving end of a vicious punch to the arm. I guarantee it.

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