Thursday, June 21, 2012

I can see your muscles when you move.

"Nuh-uh, you have skin."

Creepiest compliment ever received? perhaps not, but someone noticed my progress!

I have some Michelle Obama ie rockin' arms. I have more than one ab. I still can't run three, unbroken miles. This begs the question to be asked, WHY IS THIS SO HARD?

It could be that cup of chocolate whipped cream I consumed on my fifteen...
I need the calories.


P.S. Finally bought that pedometer. today. footsteps research will be conducted this week and reported immediately.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I have not made a whole lot of it. I'll tell you that much right now. Let's begin at the beginning, shall we?

Days 1-7: totally forgot. I had an 11 day stretch at work, so I pretty much focused on getting through those days without ending a life.
Day 8: rained, so I awarded myself a day of rest.
Day 9: finally, a beautiful day! I stretched, warmed up, and power-walked over to the cranberry bog whose circumference is just over 3 miles. It fit with the running plan I had chosen, to start running three miles and work your way up.

Trouble is, I am one of those runners who gets halfway through a thirty minute workout on the elliptical and grumbles because it's only been fifteen minutes. So, I overshot my abilities by about a mile and a half by assuming that 3 miles my first day was doable. Never mind that I would have to increase my running time by a mile each day until the weekend.

Well, reader, I got halfway around the cranberry bog at a light jog in the muggy Cape air... then stopped and dry-heaved.

And this, my friend, is why I have never met a man at the gym. Partially because I don't have a gym membership, but also because I feel as though I need to work out before I can qualify for a gym. It's a sad state of affairs to watch me work out after a break from fitness. Even at my peak, my nose runs when I do. Ahhhh-tractive.

And the first place to break out in a sweat is the skin above my upper lip. I have yet to find a sweatband designed for under one's nose. So even if someone spotted me from afar and thought, hey, that girl is cute despite the wet dog-nose reaction, the dry-heaving would probably dissuade most (if not all).

I digress.

So I finished the walk, powerfully I may add, jogging whenever I felt able (which admittedly was like twice). I sat down on the couch and felt like dying. A cute delivery man at the door did not help matters. BUT he did leave me with a good thought: how am I to push my limits if I don't know what they are?

Right, every day a little better, a little stronger. This thought has become my mantra. Every day a little better, a little stronger.
I haven't yet exceeded my three-mile continuous mark yet, but I've only just begun. I hurt in all of the places there are to hurt. I sleep better than I had at the beginning of my journey. I am making my own health and wellness a priority. I don't stretch enough.

I am imperfect.

As are we all. But still, I carry on. Next on my to-do list is a pedometer. (Tony the Tiger pedometer is dead and gone after three steps. With free stuff, sometimes you get what you pay for.) I want to figure out how many of my own steps are needed to make up one mile. A quick google search says 2000, but some days that seems like too many, and some days that doesn't seem like nearly enough. And then I want to add more steps to my daily routine instead of being a couch potato and kill myself running. Well, off to my elliptical since the weather is less than stellar! Have a lovely existence.